Jester’s Privilege

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And waitresses……




Run. The answer is run


Smart man.


Every Time

Without fail


Actress and Warhol muse Candy Darling in her hospital bed shortly before her death. She died of lymphoma on 21st March 1974. She was 29.


Me and my bf who just passed away 2 hours ago from a seizure.

I’m just heartbroken. I tried everything I could. Rip to one of my favorite people in this world. I’m going to miss you more than I could ever put in words. I don’t know who to talk about it so I’m just posting here. It happened so fast. I’m in shock.


Last picture of my grandfather that passed away when my mom was 3 months pregnant with me.

My parents had 3 boys within 2 years but my mom still yearned for her girl. Shortly after this picture he had a massive heart attack. Before he passed, he told my mom she was having a girl and he would be sure to give me his eyes. I’m the only one in my family with blond hair and blue eyes. Everyone else has dark brown hair and brown eyes. I never knew him but I have the desk in the picture and I love to run my fingers across his writing that indented the surface. The picture is from a family genealogy book my great aunt created.


I lost my dad 25 years ago today from an aneurysm. This was taken a couple weeks before he died. He was 37 years old, I was 11.
