Incredible pies.

Read also:

Healthy snacks!


My brother has made multi coloured southern fried chicken…


I tried being a little creative.

It’s peanut butter, celery, flaky salt , and reduced balsamic…it wasn’t very good.


Please never desecrate an innocent loaf of bread again 😇


What helps your dog's dry skin/dandruff?

My pup has been fighting dry skin issues for a while. Wanted to reach out and ask what helped others.


My dog (4F, pointer-shepherd mix) has these round pinch patches on her tongue. Are they any cause of concern?

She has been having her allergies flare up, licking and biting herself a lot, and is due for another allergy shot. A family member noticed her tongue looking odd in this photo and we were wondering if this is any cause of concern.


What is this?

This just appeared today on my dog and was wondering if anyone had any idea what it was? Gonna set up a vet appointment tomorrow.


Have any idea what this is?

My Mom's dog is on new medication for fleas and itching and as she put her on it this rash started to appear. It's not the first time though, she had one around the time my Mom got her a couple years ago.


Happy tail

My Irish wolfhound (1yr female) has happy tail. Before it was only minor and we thought it had gone away as in no more bleeding. But it came back and she had bitten a part of her tail as the vet told us it’s common when they are licking the wound. The vet said they can’t really do anything and suggested amputation but I really don’t want to do that. And they are going to try lazer therapy on it (one treatment done so far). We have been trying homemade slings to have her not wag her tail and put a pool noodle with it wrapped surrounding the end of her tail to protect it and her not to mess with it. But she just ate the pool noodle even with the plastic cone on her head in the crate. I’m out of ideas as I don’t want her to mess with her tail more but also not keep eating foreign objects….


Black substance in dogs ear

Hey, I’m looking for some guidance on what I should do. Two weeks ago I noticed my dog, a 1 year old neutered poodle mix had a black substance in only his right ear. I also noticed he started shaking his head a lot more and made an appointment with his vet. We went last Thursday and they recommended he be sedated so they clean it out as he wouldn’t let us touch that ear. They sedated him and told me they will clean and remove the hair from both ears and put ear drops that last for 32 days. I was charged $400 CAD for the procedure and told not to touch that ear too much. When I picked him up both his ears were clean. However, I noticed that the next day some of the black stuff was back in his ears. I decided to give it a few days thinking that it might take the medication time to work but looking now one week later and there’s even more. It’s in the same ear and he is again shaking his head and not allowing me to touch that side of his head. Did the vets office not clean it properly or is it normal for the black stuff to be there while the medication works? I will happily take him back if that’s necessary but if they dropped the ball the first time I’m not sure if I’ll trust them to deal with this. Will they make me pay again for them not getting it right the first time? I have attached a picture of the receipt stating the medication he was given.
