HOW do I get this lil **** to eat hay

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Some happy ceramic bunnies I made!😊


Is there something wrong with my bunny?

These marks appeared a few days ago, should I be concerned?


Lilica is watching you.


usagi shima

this is a game about a bunny island


Spicy the bunny explorer!

She's here, she's there, she's every freaking where!


Vet scheduling issues (photo of Sugar - Zen’s future wife for bunny tax)

Hi! I have a vet literally one block from my house that takes rabbits. Zen went there for his initial checkup, they diagnosed a parasite and gave meds and he’s all better! They are super nice. However they don’t have the RVD2 vaccine. I took zen to a vet by my work which has the vaccine, their policy is you need a full exam first if you are not a patient. Did that. Got the vaccine: turns out they have a date open for neuter next week so I took it. I’m getting a new rabbit Sunday, female age 8 months unspayed unvaxxed. She will be house 2 floors AWAY from Zen both will have closed door rooms no contact at all until they are 6 weeks post op. Sugar (new bun) has a vax next week at ANOTHER vet which also requires an exam. Should I just get her spayed there ? I don’t want to have to put her through another exam physically and for me financially because each vet requires an exam before any other service. I love the vet by my home but their next appointment is September 21 and I don’t want to make the bunnies wait too long before we can get them fixed and bonded. TLDR; taking my rabbits to 3 different vets because of scheduling and vaccine issues.


Stuart gave a big 💋 to my knee


The cuteness 😍

I can’t handle the cuteness 😂 first time I caught him sleeping with eyes closed ❤️


what does it mean when my rabbit is pressing ur head into my hadd when shes being petted?

i dont know if you can really tell on the picture, but occationally she kinda presses her nose up against my palm. i dont think shes trying to get me to stop because she runs away when shes not wanting to be pet, but i just have no idea what shes trying to say! she doesnt do this all the time, only sometimes when i pet her head


Cecotrophe taste

Sorry for gross topic. So bunny hasn't been eating all her cecotrophe poos. She usuallys leaves two or three around in the evening which I've read is pretty typical for very young bunnies who are still learning (she's only two months old...) But today I walked in on her with a piece of cecotrophe in her mouth and half eaten one below her., And I saw her spit it out like it was gross She's a healthy baby and I'm not worried that she has nutritional deficits, but now I'm curious. Do some bunnies not like the taste of cecotrophe. Does diet affect the taste. What food makes the cecotrophe taste better?
