Pudding mlem

Read also:

Mr. Murphy sleepy snuggle boy


Meet Snöfried. This 9 year old bun is, after sucsesfull bonding, new to our little familie.


HOW do I get this lil **** to eat hay


Some happy ceramic bunnies I made!😊


Is there something wrong with my bunny?

These marks appeared a few days ago, should I be concerned?


Lilica is watching you.


usagi shima

this is a game about a bunny island


Spicy the bunny explorer!

She's here, she's there, she's every freaking where!


Vet scheduling issues (photo of Sugar - Zen’s future wife for bunny tax)

Hi! I have a vet literally one block from my house that takes rabbits. Zen went there for his initial checkup, they diagnosed a parasite and gave meds and he’s all better! They are super nice. However they don’t have the RVD2 vaccine. I took zen to a vet by my work which has the vaccine, their policy is you need a full exam first if you are not a patient. Did that. Got the vaccine: turns out they have a date open for neuter next week so I took it. I’m getting a new rabbit Sunday, female age 8 months unspayed unvaxxed. She will be house 2 floors AWAY from Zen both will have closed door rooms no contact at all until they are 6 weeks post op. Sugar (new bun) has a vax next week at ANOTHER vet which also requires an exam. Should I just get her spayed there ? I don’t want to have to put her through another exam physically and for me financially because each vet requires an exam before any other service. I love the vet by my home but their next appointment is September 21 and I don’t want to make the bunnies wait too long before we can get them fixed and bonded. TLDR; taking my rabbits to 3 different vets because of scheduling and vaccine issues.


Stuart gave a big 💋 to my knee
