Is my cat OK? He does this multiple times a day.

His nickname is Pumpkin Bread.

Read also:

Sox trying to sleep.


Anyone else have a cat that falls asleep in their treat bowl?


My cat keeps kneading on my skin, it hurts and I don't know what to do

I don't want him to stop, he kneads me consistently throughout the day and refuses to do so on a blanket, pillow, anything that isn't my skin. He's four months old, I adopted him at 6 days old, the vet says the consistent kneading happens because he thinks I'm his mom (?) We trim his nails every week, yet it still hurts because I have very sensible skin and he loves to knead on my stomach, thighs and chest. Please any advice, solutions, ideas, etc on how I can get him to knead on a blanket or something placed on top of me. Adding a photo for context (the context is that he is cute)


Does anyone else think she's plotting something?

My beautiful girl Willow. She has the prettiest markings. She's tabby but with bright orange patches and white tuxedo too. She wasn't even fluffy when I first adopted her as a baby. Now she's a total floof. Plus she's a massive cat. When she stretches completely out, she's almost as tall as my 10 year old son. Lol I love her so much.




cat curled up on the sofa


She likes to cover her eyes when there’s too much light


That tongue again!

This poor old man. He's always got his tongue sticking out. Mostly when he's sleeping but it's just too funny. I can actually touch his tongue and he still doesn't put it back into his mouth until he's good and ready. Lol He's so cute though. I love him no matter what. ❤️


an angel fallen from heaven💗


Show me your sun basking cats. I’ll go first.
