How do I clean this sweat stain from my work shirt? Our work won’t give us new shirts or offer to pay to clean them

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I keep finding these worms/larvae around the house the past few days.


Toaster oven cleaning advice?

This feels very dirty girl status of me. Busy college student. Is there any way to save my toaster over? This part in particular.


$20 to restore this photo of my Grandad and his dog, Lucky


Can someone remove this letter block and maybe make me look better? Tip $10


Easy photoshop request: can someone pls remove the white from my mirror? I’d like this to be a useable picture as it’s one of the only ones I have of my body shape, ty ty!!!


Is it possible to remove the blue from this photo? I will tip 😄


Can someone please remove the food, drink and white cloth at the bottom of this picture of my partner and baby. $10 tip.


Can anyone edit to tidy the bed, remove the compact from the girls hand and make it look like someone’s taken the photo and not a selfie? Tip $10


Can someone please clean this photo up? Additionally, please remove the cigarette from his hand and the glass from her hand (ideally have her hand flat against his belly/shirt). Will tip $5 for the one I like best. Thank you!


Can you edit all the people out of this?
