Affordable Golf Bags with Full Length Dividers
Im getting to the point where trying to get my clubs in and out of my bag is causing me to lose my mind.
Anyone have any experience with this bag?
(Hot-Z Golf 3.0 Stand Bag), it's on sale at rock bottom golf for $108 right now.
Wondering if it's worth it or should I go with a name brand?
Anyone have any favorites under the $200 mark?
Also open to any tips to stop everything getting so bunched up in my current bag.
What is a good dispersion?
I got a new set of clubs today and got to try them out on a simulator. With my old set, I was having a horrible time keeping anything straight. Aside from generally sucking, I think my clubs were much too light and flexible and not doing me any favors. So I tried out the 9i, 7i, and 5i and you can roughly make out the groupings.
I’m wondering if anyone has these type of simulator maps to know what they typically look like or even what a pro’s would look like from a practice session?
The numbers came out to around:
9i- 155 avg distance, 5yd avg offline
7i- 180 avg distance, 10yd avg offline
5i- 205 avg distance, 15yd avg offline
I’m a 15 handicap so not great, but these all seemed playable so maybe there’s hope for me haha.
Sim 2 driver question
I let my friend use my sim 2 driver a few days ago and they topped the ball pretty bad and left this mark on it, it is very hard to capture on picture so I will describe it as the carbon fibre weave coming apart in that one area, I’m not sure whether it broke through the clear coating or not, I don’t think so. I am just wondering if this is a big deal or whether I can ignore it.