Just got this tattoo

I did not bleed nor scab and it doesn't even itch me. Not even plasma. I should note that the artist is very talented and told me he doesn't go very deep. Will this affect how long the tattoo stays on my body? And does it say more about the tattoo itself or my body? all answers are appreciated, thank you in advance!

Read also:

by Felipe, High Vibez in Isla Mujeres

Love this design and Felipe just killed the linework and shading


Should I go back to this artist?

This is three years healed, got it on kind of a whim. It's pretty large on my rib/underboob area. I've been thinking of maybe getting the same sort of tattoo just mirrored on my other rib. Should I go back to this artist or find someone new? I've always liked it, maybe a little darker than I imagined but I've been happy with it.


I’m obsessed but what do you all think?

Just got this tattoo a week ago. The artist is Ryan Jordan from Visually Speaking Tattoo in Mesa, Arizona. However I was lucky enough to comes to Chicago once a month to guest appearance at 2 shops.


How Can I Elevate My Tattoo?

So I LOVE this tattoo, I think it’s super cute and simple, but I’m wondering how I can elevate it, or add to it? I feel like it kinda looks like a temporary tattoo design you get out of one of those quarter machines? (But like I also love it??). Any advice would be lovely


Thoughts on new tat

I loooove the design, the artist did a perfect job of executing my idea. This is my first large/more visible piece (on the front of my thigh). It's been 3 weeks and I'm having a hard time getting used to seeing it, even though I love the design. Any advice on getting used to a larger piece? I wanna continue to add onto my leg but I hate the post-tattoo anxiety.


Thinking of getting the “Never gonna dance again” line from Careless Whisper right there. Is that a sensative area?

For context I already have tatoos on my right big toe and hip


Wdyt of this design/tattoo I made? (purplepalms)

I made this cloud design from scratch with a bit of abstract feel but also with some japanese/chinese cloud influences. Thinking about making some more and happy to receive some feedback https://instagram.com/p/CvMUx9SojsN/


Any ideas to add/build around this tattoo?


I want to get olive branches to cover up my scars—which orientation would look better?

Option 1: just following the lines of the scars and with the leaves following an inward direction. Option 2: leaves extending outward, curving under armpit and along shoulder muscles.


Oni mask I did some time ago
