Need help covering this up, any suggestions?

Read also:

should cover them all black???


Got this years ago on my inner bicep when I was impulsive and 18… any ideas on a cover up? Out of place with what I have for the rest of my sleeve..


I think it’s high time for these to go. Is it possible? Suggestions welcome 💛

I simply do not/cannot stand by having these and what they could symbolize on my body anymore, and that’s my opinion. I am open to a lot of things! I’m wanting/working towards patchwork sleeves on both my arms, and I like celestial/spiritual vibes as well as kooky and cute things like cats, balloons, rainbows, etc. just overall good vibes in the tattoo. Any ideas and advice are welcome and very much appreciated🙏🏼 (Also, the tattoos are located on the inner part of my upper forearms).


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