Season 7 Kelly is my favorite Kelly

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me fix new poster in home, what do you guys think ?


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I invented a device, called Burger on the Go. It allows you to obtain six regular sized hamburgers, or twelve sliders, from a horse without killing the animal. -Dwight Schrute


Why didn’t Jim just lose the tux and bow in this episode?

He would look normal in the shirt and the trousers? Why this unnecessary trouble?


Is Pam Hot?

Jim, Rory, Ryan, Brian the boom guy and Michael have all had a crack.


Not his last picture, but this is how I want to remember my dad: happy as a child with his brand new Pink Floyd t-shirt I gave him for his birthday.

He was 61 years old. It only took cancer a week to take him…


This is a picture of my mama a week before she committed suicide.

In this picture my mama just gave birth to my baby sister. My older sister and I were in foster care. My grandparents got custody of me and my older sister, my uncle and auntie signed the adoption papers for my baby sister, so the next day she took her own life.


Last image of my best friend, 22, taken less than two hours before being killed by a wrong way, drunk driver on Easter of this year. I’ll miss you forever, Isabel.


My friend Aaron 3 weeks before he killed himself

My close friend Aaron took his own life in February 2016 after valiantly battling alcoholism for several years. He was so happy and his laughter was contagious He was a fire fighter, Astros fan and made one hell of a homemade salsa. I miss you Aaron 🖤


The Last Photo of Nick Cordero with his baby before his death from Covid
