Lebron vs. James: Who’s Winning 1v1?

My money’s on James. How can you not be the best at a sport you literally made up?

Read also:

These morons are really depriving us of GIFs during one the most iconic jerker days of all time. 🇺🇸 🇩🇪


Deport Steve Kerr. Here's what he looks like


Why did the USA lose to him are they stupid?


Some 232,000 children up to the age of 18 (216,000 Jews, 11,000 Roma, at least 3,000 Poles, over 1,000 Belarusians & some Russians, Ukrainians & others) were deported to the camp.


Map of all countries in the world, including Canadian Provinces and U.S states. I will color in the corresponding region of the world you are from, and I will repost an edited version of the map at 2.5k comments.


Is this a lot of countries to have been to?


Too dressy for “business casual/Sunday best” October wedding?


Okay for a formal wedding? Ceremony is early afternoon outside, reception is inside following the ceremony

Posted another dress yesterday that was too light/not long enough, how is this option?


How are these dresses for a fall wedding end of this month?

The left is for the rehearsal and the right is for the ceremony/reception. I am the girlfriend of one of the groomsmen. I spoke to the groom and bride and they said there is no dress code but the reception will be ‘black & white’ themed so all guests should wear black. Couple is in their mid 20s and the wedding is taking place on their estate up in the country, will these dresses be okay? It’s my first time going to a wedding!


Dress for a formal wedding in two weeks

I have a summer wedding on a mountain top in two weeks and now I'm scared this dress looks too prom... thoughts?
