I got a dm! Let's see... oh.

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What are you afraid of


Beloved NY1 Anchor Ruschell Boone’s last official headshot. She died of pancreatic cancer this past Sunday, September 3 in New York City.

To any New Yorkers familiar with NY1, NYC’s iconic 24/7 news station, Ruschell has been a familiar friendly face for over 20 years. She started as the Queens Reporter and was finally promoted to the anchor desk in 2021. Shortly after celebrating her 20th anniversary at NY1, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June 2022. Months of grueling chemo and the whipple surgery followed, but she returned to the anchor desk in March of this year in remission. Sadly the cancer returned this summer with a vengance and Ruschell passed on Sunday, leaving behind her beloved husband and two young sons. 💔💔💔💔 https://www.nydailynews.com/2023/09/05/ruschell-boone-ny1-anchor-is-dead-at-48-she-was-just-so-authentic/


My father took this photo 4 hours before he died in a car accident.


My dad died a few days after I took this

He fought two types of leukemia over the last 3 years. Here he was high on pain meds and feeling great, had enough energy to be silly with my fan 💕


One of the last pics of a friend before she passed away from a fentanyl overdose.

TW- long post. I have been thinking of posting this for a while I just haven’t known what to say, or if this kind of thing is allowed (please delete if not). I use social media as a place to vent, and since this is a touchy subject, I can’t really talk about it on FB. This is my old best friend, Brandy. I say “old best friend” for many reasons. We started working together at Sonic years ago and hit it off. We ended up getting a trailer together. We were super close for years. Well, this past year or two, I had stopped hanging out with her. The last time she came to my place, she kept talking down on me and spilled liquor in my floor so I made her leave. She was in the hospital around the beginning of last year, and almost died. She was saying that she had a collapsed lung and that she was going to stop smoking cigarettes. She said she was going to stop doing drugs and stop drinking because it was affecting her health. Turns out, she had a very deadly and contagious STD. Long story short, I believe the STD slowly started eating away at her. Her mental health was declining. She got in a TOXIC relationship. She was constantly begging people for money on fb. Her and this guy moved to Ohio to live with her sister but they got kicked out because her bf went BACK to jail. So Brandy and her bf started living in a tent in the woods. They both kept going to jail for stupid shit. He would beat her black and blue and she would wait for him and do her best to bail her out. She kept talking about wanting to get married. She has all of these dreams she wanted to do. Well, last month, one of our best friends, Alex, called me because she was at work and needed to reach the Ohio police department. She said she was on the phone with Brandy around 5 that morning and Brandy had got into contact with a DD that was offering samples of multiple things including fentanyl. Brandy was offered and accepted the fentanyl and was in the process of getting high while she was on the phone with Alex. Brandy told her to get help if she stopped responding. After a few days, her family finally located her at the hospital. She was in there under a man’s name and on life support. She was brain dead. I have felt bad for many reasons. We had been so close and I had cut her off. One of our best friends, Dee, passed away suddenly infront of both Alex and Brandy back in 2020. I know it affected Brandy horribly. Now poor Alex is going through being on the phone with Brandy when she basically died. She was so alone and broken down. Alex said that Brandys last words to her were, “This is the highest I have ever been.” Her disease and mental health had her so confused in her last months. She thought she was pregnant (even though it wasn’t possible for her to have a child) Brandys fb was hard to watch. Even though I had her unfriended, people still sent me screenshots. It was like I had a front row seat to her demise. I go back and just read things and get chills down my spine. I had a feeling she knew she was gonna pass. Or maybe she just wanted to and chose a way that would get her high enough to forget the pain and chose to do it with the only friend she felt like she had left over the phone. I told several people that I was just waiting on the phone call that she was gone. Now she is. And I don’t know how to feel or if I should. I’m not trying to be disrespectful to the dead or air out her issues. I’m so angry at her. I haven’t felt this way about anyone passing before and I just need to vent and feel awful about it. I had to break away from her because she was turning into someone I didn’t want to associate with but I still loved and cared for her so much. Now that she’s gone, I’m just confused on if I should be sad or happy for her that she finally has the peace in death that she wanted in life.


Prof. Hollstein about a week before he passed away

One of my professors during study abroad, passed away from a heart attack


Fixed my exhaust with a Root Beer can lol.


Teya and Luke together 🤗


An excerpt from Tina Fey's memoir "Bossypants" that details an exchange between Jimmy Fallon and Amy Poehler. Interesting read amidst all the allegations coming up against him,criticizing his personality.


Kylie loves literature?

Can we not Kris? 🙄
