Nail help!

So my boy Casper was neutered last week and he has a hematoma which I have to keep an eye before his appointment Sunday. He's quite hard to pick up but I have to be able to look at it to make sure it's not getting bigger. Just now my dad and I were handling him and he managed to do this to his back foot. His nail is sticking out sideways. He's kind of walking on it but it clearly hurts him. Bled a tiny bit. Is there anything I can do for him before the vets? Is completely out/ do I need to take him in early? Thank you so much very worried about him.

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Are my buns bonded?

Hello fellow bun parents! I am trying to figure out if my two buns have bonded because it was…relatively simple/seems too good to be true? Some Facebook groups and subreddits have made it seem like it was a huge endeavour with many different steps. Here’s how it went for me (and I recognize that every bun’s experience is going to be different)…so I’m hoping I just got lucky? I’ve had a male Netherland dwarf for about 6 years now, and got 2 year old a female holland lop back in May. They’ve both been neutered/spayed years ago. At first, I kept them separate. The male is free roam and the female was in a pen in the living room, with the intent of bonding them and having them both free roaming and happy together 😁 they could see and smell each other through two layers of x-pen, so no nipping. That went on for months, with bonding sessions every few days in a neutral area in a small pen. Nothing remarkable to report, they’d eat hay and end up near each other. No chasing or fighting but no amazing signs either. A few weeks ago I decided to go all or nothing, and had them in a larger pen together day and night for a week straight. It went well with literally no fights so I just set up their forever home now and they are free roaming and seem very happy. Is this okay? I’ve basically skipped the step where you progressively increase their pen area and add a toy at a time, switch litter boxes etc. because the both seemed very chill. Pls don’t come for me I’ve heard so many different ways to do this and I thought it was best for my buns. They’re flopping beside each other and cuddling, one is always grooming the other and they only get agressive if I don’t feed them fast enough LOL but there has been no humping (which I thought was supposed to be a good sign) and my female bun has yet to groom the male back. TL;DR my buns seem bonded without the extensive process, is it to good to be true?


I think its safe to say she didnt want to take her medicine


Laying in the closet where his hay bin resides on top of all the fallen hay


If my hand isn't close enough, she licks the next closest thing. In this case, it was the sheet.


If only....


I present a very polite girl


Look at his teef 🥺


He thinks I washed and made the bed just for him


Gandalf is a machine!

This is of course determined from a few assumptions, but it’s wild!


Nazgûl Death Tarot Card
