my girl is being hospitalized for 2 days for sudden g.i stasis, please keep her in your best wishes :')

Read also:

"Neurological deficit"

These two cuties are available at my local humane society. I'm very curious about what kind of "neurological deficit" Hopper has, how it may impact his daily life, and if it requires any extra care. Just looking to learn!


Does spaying make handling rabbits easier?

(I hate this cage but I swear I'm ordering her play pen today!!) I have a 5 month old rabbit that i got from a very severely neglectful owner. She's very sweet and loves to be pet but will scratch for her life if i try to pick her up. Of course I respect her boundaries and won't pick her up if I don't need to but I would eventually like to be able to hold her like I did my last rabbit. She isn't spayed and I'm actually not entirely sure she's female. I do plan on getting her spayed regardless. Will doing so make her more comfortable being handled? If not, what are some things I can try? I've only had her for a week.


Tris on a walk


Peanut, our newly adopted meerkat


The best pillow is no pillow


My rabbit has a sore on her ear and I don’t know what to do

I don’t know if it’s a bite or a skin problem. Any advice??? I don’t think it’s sore, she doesn’t care if I touch it


Litter issues!

This is diesel, the main offender. He is a year and a bit old now and my partner and I have had him since he was 7 months old. He was never litter trained at the shelter, but in the first couple months since having him he has been peeing in the box consistently, but will leave his poops in the main concentration right outside the box and also all around our apartment. We are sorta at our wits end on what to do as now he’s got our older rabbit regressing on litter habits too. They both have been peeing in the box and rarely outside but now the older one is pooping outside the box as well. How do we stop this and potty train them? We have been cleaning up the offenses when we see them and in the mornings when there are a lot. I throw some old poops in the litter box when we change them so the smell is still there. We don’t really know what to do. They are both boys, neutered, and mostly free roam. Pictured is diesel and a dig box not the litter box lol


Fluffy face Fridays


Chillin under the dresser ❤️


I think she is plotting something…
