Extremely novice, need a little guidance regarding how to gently bend the bottom leg true to the one above it. Going to be securing the same cut of plywood to the bottom of these legs

Read also:

Are bedbugs going to ruin my library?!?!

Not the bugs, but the heat treatment we’re about to embark on. We need to get up to 120 degrees for about 2 hours in order to kill them all. My library cabinets are made of poplar, the bookshelves mdf mostly (IKEA). Is everything going to crack?! So worried right now. We’re planning on doing it tomorrow morning. TIA


Could use some advice on my "Barbie Box" project (details in comments)


Bending wood?

And no, not Peyronie's disease. I asked for a challenge and a neighbor asked if I could make this. The cat, I think I can laminate boards and go to town carving and sanding. Not sure how to bend plywood (left side). Anyone have any tips that don't require an industrial steamer?


I F'd up bad I think. I tripped a breaker while using my planer and forgot to raise the blade before reseting the breaker. It squeeled like a pig and now won't turn on. How bad is it?


What can I make?

I found this cool piece of driftwood on a trip with my brother. I want to turn it into something cool and gift it to him for Christmas. He’s not very sentimental, so if I don’t make him something useful, he will probably throw it away. Any ideas? It’s about 18x6x1. I have no idea what kind of wood. Cedar?


Have a bunch of these woodworking books wondering how much they’d be worth?

Hey all sorry if this isnt the right place to post this I’m happy to delete if not. Just wondering what the value of this set of books would be if anyone knows. Thank you!


I have no woodworking experience so I decided to make a spoon

Could’ve come out worse


My Harbor Freight planer belt turns out to be, well, a bracelet


Jet jtas 10-1 back trunnion this devastating should I weld or dump 300$ for a new one


This bird emerged from the piece of 2x4 (plus a few other bits).
