My POV every night 10 minutes before his dinner

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Show me pictures of your cats smelling something


Does anyone else’s cat leave their toy in your shoes everyday?

I’ve noticed my 4 year old cat this past year would leave her toy in my shoes or crocs almost everyday but never in my fiancés lol we got her since she was a kitten. What’s funny is my fiancés shows way more love to her than I do and gets jealous (in a funny way) that she never gets toys from her. Cats are something.


Do you have a pic of the first time you dressed your child up?


New toy day.😽


My crackhead cat, Izzy, doing crackhead things.

She has never laid like this, that I know of.


Meet Frank (orange) and Beans (tortie)


Panther mode.😽


Cat won’t stop peeing on rubber mat please help

Cat won’t stop peeing on the rubber mat in front of her litter box (that’s supposed to catch all the litter from her paws). Any advice on how to get her to stop? 1. If it’s taken away she’ll pee in the spot that it was (this is an old pic and that rug had to be thrown away lol) 2. She’s going to be 2 years old and she is fixed. I’ve also brought it up with her vet and she’s healthy, no issues. 3. This is kind of the only place we can keep her box since it’s open and she can easily access it. (Won’t risk getting locked out of other rooms while we’re gone during the day) 4. She still pees (and poops) inside the litter box half of the time. (And it’s clean, we’ve tried cleaning after each pee/poo to see if it being “dirty” bothered her). 5. I’ve tried changing her litter type and that didn’t stop it, and she didn’t like the other litter. 6. Door is also removed on the litter box because she didn’t like it. So it’s not her hating her box (I don’t think). 7. I worry if I switch to a different litter box (where she has to jump to get to or an automatic one) she won’t use it. Please help it’s so gross and we’re tired of having to clean it constantly, and her peeing on the spot if it’s gone.


My baby loves to catch a morning cat nap with me. Show me your nappers.


Take him outside? I’ll try anything.

Has anyone outdoor trained their cat to pee in the yard like a dog on a harness? Mine is being super territorial. There are strays in the area. Every night for months he sends something to the laundry or the trash. My wife is about to snap. I’m kinda there with her. I wondered if it might help satisfy his territoriality if I took him outside to pee every time he started twitching his tail. He’s relentless, as many as five time in an evening, every evening. He’s destroying our world.
