How should I go about curtains for these three windows in living room?

Just moved in. Should I install curtains for each of the three windows or just some of them? And should it be from ceiling to floor? Not really possible to go from ceiling on first window on the right.

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Should i be opening the position since i have the bishop pair? (more in desc)

Im aware generally you want an open position with the bishop pair, but i feel i'm limiting the knights moves while still having room for my bishops. And i can always push the A pawn to further lock it down but that would be the opposite of the bishop pair principle.


Been arguing with friend that his position was winning before brilliant rook move. He said I’m drunk. I wana know who is right


Heck yeah


Shenanigan of a game

Don’t ask how I got here.


Why is using the pawn to block the attack on my queen better than developing the knight and blocking the attack?

I know the pawn kicks the bishop away and gives me tempo but isn’t development better?


Can you find the mate in 4 that I missed? White to move.

I preceded to find something very similar 10 moves later after me and my opponent were dancing around.


I (black) decided it was safe to take back the knight with my queen. Can you see what I missed?


My gamble paid off

Can you see the mate in 3 my opponent fell for? I played white.


Excuse me Mr. "Analysis" coach, but I had a COOLER way of getting checkmate. 😎


I thought, wow, a fork, and then..
