What is this wooden kitchen utensil?

The two lower rings fit loosely and can move up and down.

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Tall, square free-standing structure covered in what looks like aluminum siding, placed between a busy road and a park area. At least 10' high.


What are these vertical slits to the left of the chimney?

There are only two of them and they are only located on this side of the building despite it being fairly large.


Purchased at estate sale. Says made in India. Maybe goes around the waist of a dancer? Around 3ft long with bells on both ends.


Gray, I think it’s supposed to be inserted somewhere. 1.5-2inches deel


Made in Germany, pieces are tapered and pressed together, iron bobbin was with it but now sure if it’s related. What is it?

The bobbin and the wood pieces have clamps so they probably attached to a table or something. Any ideas?


Field of funnels in a clearing?


What is this massive piece of construction equipment, with 2 large appendages and cables running from the outer arms back to the main cab?

I was driving on the I15 in Las Vegas and they are doing construction on the Tropicana overpass. I can’t figure out what the purpose of this would be. It appears to be 3-4 stories tall.


Prism-like hard cube found in the grass of a local park


Found a sealed bag of small threaded plastic sleeves, bolts, and slotted/curved metal tabs in my newly purchased home.

Upon moving in to a new home I found this bag, sealed, in the garage. They obviously all go together for something but I can’t figure out what, and am scared to throw away because I’ll of course immediately realize they were important and I need them. The white pieces don’t expand or move at all when the bolts are screwed in, and yes the bolts fit into the slots in the metal.


Round yellow soft foam honeycomb, 3" diameter and 1/2" thick. Possibly purchased from a pet store. Very light weight. It was placed in a rat's cage, and the chew marks are from the rat. We are worried that it killed the rat and so we are trying to figure out what it is.
