[Request] Which would give you the most? (Ig for simplicity the person lives until 70 and lives an average life)

Read also:

[Request] What would the proportions of a human body have to be to achieve the golden ratio?


[request] how much weight is each of the athletes in the thinnest part holding each.


[Self] judging from my crappy notes, what do you think I'm currently studying?

Obviously I'll answer any questions regarding what the hell your looking at xD


[Request] If you were to drill a hole (1 cm diameter) to the centre of the Earth and extract its contents, how much would it weigh approximately?


[REQUEST] Overall, which is more harmful for the environment? Both vehicles are diesel


[Request] How much would Bruce Wayne owe in child support?

OK, I know this sounds dumb and I am probably too informative enouth in DC to know if knowing this is possible, but I am honestly curious about this with late night thoughts. So in Batman Beyond, we learn that Terry McGinnis is biologically Bruce Wayne's son through tech DNA overwriting...stuff, so I wanted to know, assuming enough things were aligned for this to happen, is it possible to figure out how much Bruce owes in child support? I am so sorry if this is way above someone's pay grade or whatever the phrase is, I am just being curious.


[request] what are the odds of the event(not the photo, just the event)?


[Request] Does this check out? A line to the moon definitely seems likely. But a “bridge” (especially as depicted) seems like an exaggeration.


[request] how long would it take to cross the Atlantic Ocean with such a “boat”, or similar?


[Request] How many tons of concrete would it take to achieve this?
