[Request] If you were to drill a hole (1 cm diameter) to the centre of the Earth and extract its contents, how much would it weigh approximately?

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[REQUEST] Overall, which is more harmful for the environment? Both vehicles are diesel


[Request] How much would Bruce Wayne owe in child support?

OK, I know this sounds dumb and I am probably too informative enouth in DC to know if knowing this is possible, but I am honestly curious about this with late night thoughts. So in Batman Beyond, we learn that Terry McGinnis is biologically Bruce Wayne's son through tech DNA overwriting...stuff, so I wanted to know, assuming enough things were aligned for this to happen, is it possible to figure out how much Bruce owes in child support? I am so sorry if this is way above someone's pay grade or whatever the phrase is, I am just being curious.


[request] what are the odds of the event(not the photo, just the event)?


[Request] Does this check out? A line to the moon definitely seems likely. But a “bridge” (especially as depicted) seems like an exaggeration.


[request] how long would it take to cross the Atlantic Ocean with such a “boat”, or similar?


[Request] How many tons of concrete would it take to achieve this?


What is this thing in this apartment? It’s a white square that’s bolted to the wall a few inches from the floor, but there’s a bit of space between it and the wall. Has some kind of red light in the bottom right corner. There is at least one in every room.


What is this wooden kitchen utensil?

The two lower rings fit loosely and can move up and down.


Tall, square free-standing structure covered in what looks like aluminum siding, placed between a busy road and a park area. At least 10' high.


What are these vertical slits to the left of the chimney?

There are only two of them and they are only located on this side of the building despite it being fairly large.
