Trump appointed judges

Read also:

polaroids that serial killer dennis rader took of himself

aka btk


Tanning Bed Caught Fire While My Mom Was Inside

She is okay, miraculously but the flames had began to engulf the bed.


well karma


Just got off a short tour and got some film photos back. WHO IS THAT IN THE BACK….


Are we doomed?


Work printer spat out a help message

At work today (at a hospital) the printer just spat out a help message. The first one is obvious what that is, the second one honestly no clue what it means. The characters I recognize are all in a font I've never seen anyone here use before and it's late at night so I'm the only one here who jas access to this printer. Anybody have a guess what the second paper means. We've been getting random strings of text like this on empty pages every so often now, but this is the first time is printed out a coherent word on a piece of paper.


Almost drank a toothpick

A few beers in and as I was about to finish my third I had this toothpick hit the back of my mouth before I thankfully felt it and stopped drinking.


Literally noped out of there


A kid at my school said that he "cursed me" and showed me this notebook page


That thing is human...
