Beat my dad and broke 80!

Have hit 80 a few times over the last months just longing for this moment. The beer never tasted this good before

Read also:

Don't be racist. Take them in.


Too Funny


Let’s all take a minute to remember the man who stopped the terrorists on Flight 93 and saved the Capitol Building… and remember even in the face of great terror we Americans can and will rise to the occasion. Rest In Peace, Todd Beamer.


Muh oppression


I am speechless


"Let me explain to you why you're wrong."


New Mexico governor declares that the 2nd amendment no longer applies.


Are these roundworms?

Basset mix, 4 years old. Very small amount of stool and this was in it this evening. Worried my guy might have some worms. Sorry for not having more photos.


Normal dog pee or blood?

I've just come across this dog pee and I think it's from my mother's 13 year old female Chihuahua. It doesn't look normal to me, is there anyone who knows if this is blood or is it just normal urine? Any advice would be appreciated.


My Dog's Eye Isn't Moving Properly

My 13 year old beagle's right eye is not moving properly. We tried to get him into the vet but there are no appointments available anywhere near us within a 50 mile radius. What can I do to treat this? Is this an emergency? This all seemed to start yesterday. His eyes have been red for a few days but it didn't seem to bother him and seemed to be resolving and now this. Help!
