Found this Tripod with a container (probably propane) hanging from it and a red tube connected to a batterie ontop. It was near a hunting perch in the Black Forest, Germany.

Read also:

Wood box found in cabin, may be 3ft long, 1ft wide, with handles and a drain hole.

It also has cleats on the bottom corners like it's supposed to sit across some rods. Metal grate laying inside but not sure if it goes with it.


Found in the middle of a disc golf course in Colorado. Seems like a glass jar with tubing and a toothbrush taped to it, nothing in the jar that I could tell


This is under a seemingly random cabinet in the kitchen. It's plastic and looks like a tiny vent but doesn't seem to be connected to the HVAC. It seems to open and close with the button/rocker on the right.


Glass or acrylic (?) sphere found in bathroom ceiling


Found cast iron rack of some sort in new home… what’s it for?

Cool looking thing found in shed of new home. Not sure what it’s for- rug drying? Horse trough? Hoping to sell, unsure how to market. Thanks!


This game has now officially kept my attention longer than the Witcher 3 did.


Goals/Content & Enjoyment vs Character level


Legendry's galore in Diablo 4, and Unique, why are people not finding them??




Battlestations: a humble beginning

While my friends have abandoned ship (no thanks to YT and Reddit most likely. You know who you are) I'm still enjoying D4 with my lady. I have great aspirations for better battlestations in the days to come. That's it! Just wanted to share some good vibes on this sub and I hope yall are still enjoying the game no matter what the internet says. Off topic. Yall have any good seating solutions for gamers that also like to cuddle/touch. Like... why doesn't this exist yet? It's easier with controllers, sure, but how does one get it done with keyboard and mouse. Is it simply impossible??
