66 years apart

Read also:

Metro areas in the USA where more than 5% of population uses public transit to get to work


Don't lie to yourself, you're beautiful


Could someone make this a LinkedIn profile quality? I am in cyber security. Will tip £10. Thanks.


Can someone make it sharper and add color to my grandma on a horse? Will tip $5 to best one. Thank you!


I volunteer with a group that researches and publishes stories about local U.S. service members that were killed in action. A lot of our photos are newspaper clippings, faded photos, etc. I'm looking for some paid help to modernize and colorize >150 photos. Sample attached for $15 tip.


Can someone put my friend into an ice cream van please?


Working on my Mom’s funeral picture; would someone be able to clean up the picture and background, and take my Dad’s ear and my shoulder out the picture so I can feature this on the obituary and program? All help is appreciated - thank you…


I’m babysitting my nephew and I want to freak out my BIL. Can someone make it look like he’s drinking/eating something he’s not supposed to? LOL


This is my dog Alfredo, do something fun with him. I can't tip


Can someone please "clean" my face from moles and imperfections? (Well, good luck with that). My federation will put my photo on the official website
