Fill drinks yourself

Now they want us to fill drinks ourselves such BS. We should get extra pay if we have to prepare orders too!

Read also:

You guys aren't committed as him


The commoners and peasants haven’t earned the right to use her driveway


This order gave me a good chuckle, why get one double cheeseburger? When you can get 8!


Help with bunny behaviour!

Hellooo, so me and my partner recently rehomed two bunnies, but whenever we go to pet or let them sniff us or give treats they growl or one even boxed my partner! I know it takes time for them to get used to you but I was wondering how I can bond with them quicker or help with them trusting me, I have a kind of fear of being bitten by animals so will try and avoid anything to be bit, but I want them to feel comfortable and happy with us. They are outdoor bunnies as we have 2 cats and one is doesn’t like any animals even cats and my partner doesn’t want them inside😂 I go out and sit by the hutch speaking to them, I appreciate my advice and help. I already love them so much and just want them to be happy bun buns!


New paper recycling trick!

He's been trying to get in the recycling bins for weeks. Today he finally achieved his dream of being garbage! 🐇🗑


Found a lost one in the backyard, help!

Hey guys, we found this little guy under our deck last night and he was very calm. We decided to let him back outside to see if he finds his family. Today morning he's still there and we managed to pick him up again. We called a shelter and they said they don't take bunnies (or is this a rabbit? I really don't know) I live in BC Canada and honestly I'm not sure what to do now. I don't want to leave him outside because there's a lot of coyotes and racoons. Any advice?


Tips for cat/bunny household

Hi, I just found a kitten on the side of the road by herself a month ago (she’s 7 weeks old now) and decided to keep her. I’ve had two bunnies for roughly two years now and so far, they seem mostly neutral to the kitty which is fine with me. The main problem we have is that the kitty has taken a liking to exploring, peeing, and pooping in the bunnies’ litter box every time we turn away for more than 2 seconds. We always change the litter box right after we see it happen but that creates a lot of wasted hay/litter because sometimes she does it only hours after the box is changed. The only thing we’ve tried so far is clapping really loud and putting her in time out (closing her in the room where her own litter box is). Therefore, I’m mainly looking for tips to get my kitty to become disinterested in bunny litter boxes, but I’ll also take any other tips for navigating a bunny/cat household as well. Thank you! Picture for tax.


Diet issues?

The poop on the left was from yesterday, the day after he had mild gi stasis, the vet gave medication etc, fed him critical care and pellets because he was much better( he was actually already acting normal after the visit to the vet). But i was paranoid, so i went to google to research and some said it wasn't a great idea to feed pellets to a rabbit recovering from gi stasis, so i fed him only critical care today and very few pellets.( Lesser than usual) His poop today( right) was all small, every single one was smaller as compared to yesterday. I didn't bring him to the vet yet because behavior wise he is acting like he did before he had gi stasis. (Basically anything a rabbit would do, run jump binky etc) He have access to plenty of Timothy hay, fresh water. What could the reason be for his small poop? Is it because i decided that he won't be getting pellets today? Could it be that his digestive system is slowing down again? Since he is normal now should i stop feeding him critical care? (Sorry for my bad english, I'm not a native speaker.) Extra info: he is 12 months old. Currently transitioning to oxbow adult food, with a mixture of oxbow young rabbit food(this have been going on for almost a month).


rootin’, tootin’, and splootin’


Snuggled up next to daddy in bed. She looks so comf 😍
