Arby's Buffalo Chicken Sandwich

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These sly, sly bastards...


Any work around for streaming calls only to car?

It baffles me that these 1k+ devices don’t even have the option to pick what type of Bluetooth connection you want. Every android phone I’ve used has had this (pictured). I have two phones, one for personal and one for work, an android phone which I use for music in the car and have my iPhone connected for calls, while I’ve set the android as media only, on occasion the iPhone will connect first and connect to media, meaning I have to then faff about with connection settings. I have tried setting a shortcut to run when connected to the car to switch the playback device to the iPhone but it still remains connected to media even so. Does anyone have a good solution for this?


Face ID constantly triggering and failing when phone not in use

At least 5-6 times per day I pick up my phone and see the message "passcode required to enable face id". I am sure that Face ID is triggering and failing. I recently went to a techno club which requires stickers to be put over cameras, and at the end of the night my phone was locked due to too many Face ID failures. I've had the phone replaced once under Apple Care, so it's not a hardware issue. I'm guessing there's a rogue app that's causing this, but I cannot for love or money figure out which one, I've fiddled around with Face ID settings ad nauseam. I do note that turning "Attention Aware" ON does mitigate the issue, but this isn't a good solution for me as my sunglasses block Face ID.


iPhone png file help

This image won’t open or save on my phone or MacBook, I’ve tried putting it in photoshop and converting to png but every time I convert it turns into 0 KB and nothing ever loads, I’m not sure what the file initially was but I’m really curious please help!


What kind of data is backed up by iPhone and how does it help.

I’m new to iOS and I wanted to know what kind of data is backed up by this method. For example Netflix here - isn’t the data attached to the login ID and not iCloud. IMO other than WhatsApp I don’t think there’s any other apps that I need a backup of. Please correct me if I’m wrong.


Every text I've ever received comes through at 30am every day

Title. Has anyone else every experienced this? I have found 0 trace of this online, and have no clue how to fix it. The weirdest part is it happened on my old iPhone and transferred to my new one. Has been happening for probably 5 years, without fail.


Why does it keep changing my phone to this exact volume

Been doing it multiple times a way for like a week


Instagram stories are not uploading when app is minimized

Does anybody know why this is happening? If I do not go to instagram app again, it will stay at 14% forever.


My system data is huge and deleting apps and downloads only increases it… how do I resolve this??

Some background - my other half very kindly bought me a new phone. I restored my old phone backup only for it to pretty much fill the storage instantly. My WhatsApp hasn’t been able to restore any media from prior to 1st Sep when I set up the phone, and is waiting for me to free up storage. I realised my Dropbox was taking up 55GB in data even though I was only using 71% of 2.5GB storage in there, so I deleted it thinking the problem would be resolved… nope! Exactly the same amount popped up in ‘system data’. I’ve been trying other ways to reduce data usage to get my WhatsApp media to at least restore and then do a full backup of WhatsApp and my phone and then delete and restore, but everything I delete creates more system data and puts me in a worse situation. Please help! Everything online shows people deleting apps and system data magically decreases but it’s the exact opposite for me. TIA!!


Weird looking navigation bar,why?

I’m having this blue colour square on the navigation bar which was previously not there. Is it with anyone else?
