Huge hands

Read also:

Different Megafaunal Mammals compared to each other and a Human.

Credits to Dragonthunders on Deviantart.


Sleipnir, the largest crane vessel in the world. Does it freak you out?


The Statue of Unity in India, it is the tallest statue in the world and is nearly 2x the size of the Statue of Liberty at 600 feet


This is for you guys ig


Anchor hole to a sunken US warpship


Thermal vacuum chamber at Johnson Space Center - NASA

Johnson’s Space Centers thermal vacuum chamber “Chamber A” is 16.8m in diameter x 27.4m high. This chamber was used to test and simulate space conditions for the Apollo spacecraft & James Webb Space Telescope.


This costume is a rare instance of expectation AND reality


Arby's Buffalo Chicken Sandwich


These sly, sly bastards...


Any work around for streaming calls only to car?

It baffles me that these 1k+ devices don’t even have the option to pick what type of Bluetooth connection you want. Every android phone I’ve used has had this (pictured). I have two phones, one for personal and one for work, an android phone which I use for music in the car and have my iPhone connected for calls, while I’ve set the android as media only, on occasion the iPhone will connect first and connect to media, meaning I have to then faff about with connection settings. I have tried setting a shortcut to run when connected to the car to switch the playback device to the iPhone but it still remains connected to media even so. Does anyone have a good solution for this?
