My boy seems slightly uncoordinated lately

Hello everyone! My wife told me that Mr. Noodle here (approximately 4 years old Siamese) seems to be a little more uncoordinated as of late. Seems like he’s been slipping when jumping on the couch or misstepping while near a ledge, causing him to fall/jump down. He’s done this in the past but she’s worried because it seems like he’s doing it more than usual lately. We also buy pretty litter and it was green the other day (if you don’t know, that means he was stressed out for some reason). I’m wondering if any of you have some insight for me. I would appreciate it!

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I need help with eye issue please

This is my outdoor, formerly stray cat. Her eye is goopy. The problem is getting her in a carrier and then her behaving well enough at the vet to examine and treat. Is there anything OTC that could help her? I'll for sure get her to the vet (and bring bandaids) ASAP if it's not something I can do at home. Thank you. Her name is Muffin


Discharge from his eye


Anti Anxiety Meds without vet

As title asks, how can I get my girl some anti anxiety meds without taking her to a vet? I tried that once, and they literally sent her back and said they couldn’t treat her because she freaked out the f out. I’ll be flying with her at the end of the month and I am DREADING it. How can I get a script without taking her in?


Why is my cat licking/bitting her tail

Hey so recently my cat has been licking/biting her tail a lot and her fur started to come off. It looks almost bald now. I took her to the vet already and asked them why and he pretty much said he doesn’t know so that was very unhelpful. I’m going to try and take her to another vet this week but until then I might as well ask here. She also doesn’t have any flees or ticks I tripped checked already and I gave her a bath. Anything would help. Thank you!


Why is my cat pulling out his hair?

My husband and I noticed our cat ripping Tufts of hair out of his side. Then we found a big bald spot. The skin is intact with no redness or flaking. We recently moved his litter box, could it be stress? Or something else?


My cat hates his medicine

My cat Wesley was diagnosed with epilepsy about 6 months ago. He needs medication twice a day to stop his seizures. He’s always hated taking it. Wesley is a very sweet boy, but I’ve got a few nasty scars from some scratches he’s given me while trying to give him his medication. The scratching doesn’t bother me too much. What really bothers me is how much Wesley seems to fear me now. I bottle fed him from when he was just a couple weeks old, and he’s always had such a strong bond with me. Now he wants nothing to do with me. If he sees me approaching around the times I usually give him his medicine, he’ll start hyperventilating and frothing at the mouth (checked with the vet - this is a symptom of stress, not a medical issue). It absolutely breaks my heart. This only started becoming an issue recently after the pharmacy that used to supply his medicine couldn’t do it anymore and we had to go to a different place. He seems to hate the new formula immensely. I really need tips on how to make taking his medicine a better experience for him. The medication is liquid and is administered by mouth. I’ve tried mixing it with food, but he refuses to eat it. Drawing up some tasty liquid treats into the syringe along with the medicine doesn’t seem to help either. I just don’t know what to do for him.


Is there a reason these cities are in a straight line? Srry if im dumb and looking for reasons when they're there




WTF is this?! How many of these are there? Is there an outbreak or something?


Is there a reason these cities are in a straight line??
