This car had a giant lego engine cover

Read also:

Every scrap of credits I got is pour into building this thing. The most compact all-purpose starship I have ever built! Behold, The Shadow Crab!


The sunsets are a highlight


Please show respect during this difficult time.


well, this mf just won't come down


Just an FYI: This achievement doesn’t exactly specify which type of organic resources you need, it’s 500 plants and not animals.

Seems silly to say because there’s a leaf right there, but plants and animal material are both considered organic, but the achievement only calls for plant material to be collected. It’s a grind but I enjoyed walking around a planet and just gathering stuff.


Wallpaper inspired by starfield Constellation faction, hope you like it


Tried my hand at Creating a Starcraft Battlecruiser! Absolutely LOVE the ship builder


any good? i guess it wont compare to that random ass pistol i found that does 100 damage a shot, but its an energy weapon?


Everytime I try to clear my bounty the entire UC starts shooting me

When i went to the kiosk on Mars to clear my bounty despite being shot at the message said to contact authorities. Any help on how to clear this up would be appreciated.


Moon's haunted
