Is there anything that can be done for this picture, or is it too blurry? I would greatly appreciate any help.

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Hey can anyone remove this pink Shirt form my friends photo


I want to get into PS for shirt design and making since I need high quality transparent png files for the dtg printers. Do you guys know any videos or things I can watch to get familiar with the platform? Thank you.


I need some help putting some of my friends art into this meme. Yes I'm serious.


Can someone please replace the dark outline color with a solid black and also remove the sticker border?


Can someone please remove the big stone in the front?


My girlfriend is travelling in Brazil and I want to send something for her bday. Can you put her in a crazy travel destination? Somewhere mystical is fine. I want it to look like she’s on an epic heroic journey. I’ll tip $20


Can someone alter the lighting on this image please? Mostly looking for my parents faces to not be as dark and the background to be sharpened up. Especially the castle


Could someone please curl a couple fingers of the shadow? Thanks.


Can you please make a funny edit that has something to do with lemons? Thanks!


Can you please edit out the hand holding up the police cap? Thanks!
