Wild bunny spotted

Cute, wild bunny in my flower bed!

Read also:

how to cross the wooden sea

lily trying to make her way back haha


Any way to let rabbit out of cage without bathroom floor?

Title is a bit confusing but basically after a flood I decided it was a better idea to keep my rabbits in a cage (big enough and they seem comfortable in it) while I am away. Now I want to let them free roam when I'm here but literally as soon as I free them it's like a race to who can lay the most poop and pee everywhere in my appartment. They have better litter habits in the cage it seems but I don't wanna keep them caged up all the time if that makes sense. I am getting them both neutered November 7th but until then I would love some people to tell me their experience. Am I doomed to let them free roam and poop everywhere and suck it up and clean up like a maid until their neutering, or do I have other options? Thanks for your input


Yall i was looking for for him for like 30 min he was supermaned behind the coach


My sweet 6 year old girl "Bear" is in stasis and needs a small miracle

Been to emergency vet twice over last 24 hours, now doing outpatient at home (critical care and pain meds) Bear Bear is the sweetest little girl! Any advice and prayers welcome


My five year old looks like a tiny little baby in this picture. 🥰😭


Battle of the Lions! Dylan - Mini LION Lop versus DandeLION...


When your manager catches you looking at cute cat photos while at work.


mine is a plumber kitty


How can I fix my mirrored hard disk? My Disk (D is always in the 80-100% and it is causing a bottleneck already to my system.


This will forever be true
