Luca Brassi my most valued friend

My Two year old sweet boii 🥰

Read also:

My cat made a flower on his nose


AITAH for going away for 2 weeks holiday?

We left Holly with our friend for two weeks while on holiday in Spain and shes giving us nothing but cold shoulder since coming back😭😭😭 AITAH in this situation???


Does this look like a flea bite?

Helloo - we definitely have fleas in the house as we took in a rescue who was riddled with it. I've done my best to keep them split up but clearly the fleas ignored my requests! I've retreated all 3 cats with flea treatment and I've been boiling as many furnishings as I can. He's my only cat with a white ear so I haven't seen this on any other.


My cat helps me work.


My boyfriends cat Gizmo.. she's literally the cat version of the 🥺 emoji


Show me your cats sleeping weird / funny!


Cat with human nose

Found this cat with a nose on its nose.. make of that what you will


How to calm down little devil?

So I am currently pet sitting this little devil. He is a young kitten, but not castrated yet. I’m playing with him, sitting with him and constantly try to entertain/talk to him, I also take him outside on a leash. First two days were fine and he was a sweetheart. Now… he climbs up my legs, constantly bites me, I have to pick him up all the time if I’m doing something otherwise that little nugget will bite me. And these are playful nibbles, but they still hurt. I’ve tried ignoring him when he does that, since nothing else works. Yesterday I had to lock him in the bathroom, because he was trying to get into the frying pan and walking around cooker. Any ideas how to calm him down or direct his energy elsewhere?


a very lazy sunday with Frankie [OC]


How do I get my cat to stop sitting on my PS4
