This is the first time they have both relaxed by my feet at the same time

Malcolm(grey) sleeps at my feet often but Peter (orange) never does and is usually very timid. We have had her for just over a year. She gets a little more confident every day. ❤️

Read also:

Baby kittens.


My cat is angry for sleeping too much


KatKat the Protecat protecting resources their weight in gold!


My girlfriend took a photo of her cat. It's her best work.


Say hello to my new fellow!


Luca Brassi my most valued friend

My Two year old sweet boii 🥰


My cat made a flower on his nose


AITAH for going away for 2 weeks holiday?

We left Holly with our friend for two weeks while on holiday in Spain and shes giving us nothing but cold shoulder since coming back😭😭😭 AITAH in this situation???


Does this look like a flea bite?

Helloo - we definitely have fleas in the house as we took in a rescue who was riddled with it. I've done my best to keep them split up but clearly the fleas ignored my requests! I've retreated all 3 cats with flea treatment and I've been boiling as many furnishings as I can. He's my only cat with a white ear so I haven't seen this on any other.


My cat helps me work.
