Should I be concerned when my cat stares at me like this?

He’s not the brightest crayon in the box but.. what is he thinking?

Read also:

He’s a long boy!


Paint Me


Any weekend fun photos?😽


Send the most handsome picture you have of your cat.

This is Otis he is a handsome boy, sometimes other times he like to bite my leg at the morning to wake me up.


Daily dose of Vida #249


Lost this sweet girl to a saddle thrombus today. Can't imagine life without her.


My cat is left-handed. How 'bout yours?

Read an article about cars having a preference, like humans. Statistically, male cats are usually southpaws. Left-handed. I never paid any attention. After the article; i noticed he uses his left paw when he does stuff.


Show me your sleeping like an idiot cats

This is bean she sleeps like an old man


A spider tried to sit beside her...


Looking for a wand toy that releases the "prey" item

My kitty loves fishing rod / wand type toys and goes crazy chasing the "prey" (fluffy worms, mice, feathers) dangling from the end of the string. The thing is, once she's caught the "prey" she likes to carry it around the house in her mouth which is difficult whilst it's still attached to the string and rod, which drags behind unless I follow her. I wondered whether anyone has come across a wand type toy which allows a quick release of the prey item once the cat has caught it? Thanks in advance 🙂
