any tripawd parents here?

My boy needs to lose weight but he hasn't wanted to do much playing since he got his arm amputated. I need advice 😅 I've already cut his food portion down a little bit, I have a bunch of cat balls with bells, lights, crinkley textures etc... We have wants with feathers that he seems to enjoy for short periods of time before getting bored.

Read also:

Fluffy Void

My kitty, Tifa, always wants lap time when I play video games. Not against it but it usually is thirty minutes of her making biscuits before she settles down.


Rescued Thai cats

I just wanted to share a photo of my beautiful cats that I adopted here in Bangkok. Anakin was found alone, crying under a hedge and Aayla was found in a wet market with her mother and 5 siblings. Her mothered was spayed and all 5 siblings also adopted. Aayla is now 2 years old and Anakin is around 5 months old now, this photo was taken when I got him in June. Aayla loves her new baby brother so much, I was so so lucky that they instantly got on so well.


A routine visit from my next door neighbour’s cat. He is a warlord.


i just found this kitten how old is it?


Thor naps in shoes

The guinea pig people have foot out friday, we should have a shoe saturday. Foot out friday is also a cool idea. Anyway, here's Thor napping in my shoes.


My cats bath time.

Not much to say other than he looks like he's planning our deaths.


Brought Loki home today. Acclimated in like 30min.


Naughty cat


Stool issues

Hi everyone, A couple of months ago now i adopted a little sphynx boy, Dobby. Before we got Dobby i already owned two other male cats, who have never had any issues. After bringing Dobby into the house i immediately noticed he had diarrhoea. I wasn’t too phased as the breeder already warned me, switching him off his old food ( Royal Canin Kitten ) to the new ( Leonardo Kitten ) would most likely give him some stool issues. We tried to sit through it but after a week or two of it not clearing up i started to be a little worried and asked the breeder about it. He told me to give him a round of dewormer, ( already scheduled in a week but a bit earlier wouldn’t hurt. ) So i gave all the cats a round of Panacur. This didn’t fix it either, so the breeder told me i could try to give some zeolite, which didn’t make a difference either. Shortly after this they all got diarrhoea. Naturally i figured it must be parasites or something more severe at this point, so i took the boys to the vet. The vet told me to bring back a couple of stool samples and that there was nothing else they could do for me. I brought the vet the samples and they ran some tests, everything came back negative and all i got from them was the same Panacur i had already given them. They told me it was fine to do another round. I disinfected the litter boxes multiple times, and also made sure to clean their butts so there was no possibility of them reinfecting themselves by cleaning whatever it may be off of themselves. After this the other two cats’ stool got a lot better, but Dobby’s stayed bad. I called back and the vet told me to just give him some Iso-Gel, and switch him to a sensitive diet. I had an appointment scheduled in 2 weeks to get him fixed, so we’d look back over it when i’d come back for the appointment. A week ago i got him fixed, and i’m currently slowly transitioning him off of the Leonardo kitten kibble, onto a Hills Science Sensitive diet. I haven’t seen any improvement, the vet told me there’s nothing they can do for me and i could continue to give him Iso-Gel, as that has been the only thing that has improved it a teensy bit. I’m a little uncomfortable with continuing giving him Iso-Gel, as all the leaflets say to give it for a maximum of two weeks. Does anyone have any other tips i could try? I really don’t know what to do anymore at this point. Coming home to diarrhoea tracked all over the house is driving me and my fiancé crazy and we don’t know where to turn to anymore.


Is this a smitten kitten?
