Don't Republicans ever get tired of defending this guy?

Read also:

Our only family picture when we were kids (1985)

We grew up in India with not a lot of money so we don’t have a lot of pictures from when we were kids. This is the only picture of our family that we have from when I was a baby (held by my dad). Although it looks like it was taken in the 40s, it was taken in 1985. My parents didn’t have the money to “upgrade” to color photographs.


I’ll take “cutting off your nose to spite your face” for a bag of peanuts, Alex


I found this on the back of my sons homework.

If it had been mine, my parents would have been concerned.


Damn, Jack


On second thought, I’ll keep sober..


It was just a good Christian honk


Damn LOL


Tips to seal painting?

Made a night stand coffee mug and glasses holder deal. Did a painting on the back with oil based paint and paint markers for the lines. When I did a pour on high gloss epoxy it made the paint marker lines bleed. Sanded it all back down. Redid the painting. Now, what might I use as a sealer before the epoxy to make sure the paint doesn’t bleed? Thanks!


What’s the best way to cut and glue this tabletop shape?

I’m likely going to practice with some cheap material before using my good walnut, but I need to make 3 tabletops 18” x 36”. I want to use this shape but am not 100% sure on how to assure all the cuts line up. If it’s not obvious the ends are supposed to be 45 degree angles. Should I do the entire border piece first and then try and fit the boards in the center. The ones in the middle don’t necessarily need to be the same size as the border pieces. Or measure and glue it all at once? I feel like I’m about to waste a lot of wood if I just get chopping. How would you tackle this design and glue up?


First project ever: Made a temporary clothes hanger

My master room closet is being renovated and needed somewhere to hang my clothes in the meantime.
