A bit of a stretch..eh?

Read also:

Server tipped herself

To preface, I used to work F&B and always tip ~15-20% no matter the service. I went to Olive Garden where they have the self-pay Ziosks. After our meal, server was holding the Ziosk, took my card then put it on top of a receipt (left) showing $34.39 and said “alright you’re all good to go!” Was confused, thought maybe she didn’t ring it up since I never got to fill a tip in so checked my bank account and saw a $42.68 charge. Waited to flag her down over 10 mins and she wasn’t coming back over so I flagged the manager. When explaining, server comes back over “you were talking so it just auto charged you 20%”. I explained it was over 20% and even over 22% showing on the receipt. I asked for a printed copy and just left because it wasn’t worth arguing over $2 but still a little mildly infuriated that a server with subpar service tipped themselves generously on my behalf.


My mom circa 1998


Respect for coworker


Don't Republicans ever get tired of defending this guy?


Our only family picture when we were kids (1985)

We grew up in India with not a lot of money so we don’t have a lot of pictures from when we were kids. This is the only picture of our family that we have from when I was a baby (held by my dad). Although it looks like it was taken in the 40s, it was taken in 1985. My parents didn’t have the money to “upgrade” to color photographs.


I’ll take “cutting off your nose to spite your face” for a bag of peanuts, Alex


I found this on the back of my sons homework.

If it had been mine, my parents would have been concerned.


Damn, Jack


On second thought, I’ll keep sober..


It was just a good Christian honk
