My 18 year old girl loving her new cat house 🏠 😍

Read also:

One of Krishna's favorite spots


She is keeping nice and cool during this warmer weather we currently have in Ireland


Does anyone have any idea what this could be, that's in my cats hair? I've been giving him an alt. brand of Revolution, called Revolt. Like Revolution, the active ingredient is Selamectin. I don't understand why I'm finding bug looking things in my cats hair. This is the back leg, by his butt..


Smudge and Ralph the Mouth enjoying a lazy Saturday evening


Cat tax!

What about it?

I present to you, Mr. Cupcake.



What about it?

That is all.


The Double Trouble squad

What about it?

Probably the only time I’ve managed to have them together in this position. Good thing I captured the moment.


Advice please (ASAP)

What about it?

This is my baby Dasher. M/F: Female 9 Pounds 7.5 years old Usual diet: adult cat dry food Current diagnosis: upper respiratory infection Medication: Cerenia half tablet every 24 hours, fluid bubble injection, appetite stimulant ear gel, and a stomach soothing injection Symptoms; eye discharge, mouth discharge, no appetite for food or water, walks wobbly then falls over, diarrhea’s and has peed herself several times, weak, exhaustion, hides under bed Backstory: 4 days ago I woke up and saw her sleeping as normal, but she wouldn’t eat and she looked like she was sick, I waited a couple days, so then I took her to the vet 2 days ago. They gave her 2 injections (one antibiotic, one fluid bubble for hydration), appetite stimulant ear gel, and a weeks worth of Cerenia to give her half a tablet every 24 hours. They said she has a potential upper respiratory infection and I can wait it out and do bloodwork at a different vet since they have high prices. Now It’s been 2 days of syringe feeding and watering and she’s worsened, and has started to hide from me as well as diarrhea herself while sleeping, and barely walking 5-10 steps before she falls over. The earliest appt to a vet for X-rays/blood work is Wednesday and i know she can’t wait till then. I was told by the same vet via phone today that she has worsened and should be seen ASAP and potentially hospitalized. I know she must be in pain, I am debating if I should take her to a 24 hour tonight or wait till tomorrow and see? What other opinion should I get? She seems to be in so much pain and with the high prices of 24 hour ER services and my position, what do I do? I am worried she must be put down and she’s already too late and suffering? Do I take her right now to a hospital? I’ve had this cat since I was in 6th grade and the attachment we have for each other is so special to me and I’m scared I’m going to need to prepare and say goodbye to my dasher. Thank you for any advice you guys send, I feel so horrible that I could’ve prevented this or I’m not doing enough, I’ve stayed up late and dedicated my last week to taking care of this cat with all my strength, I just feel I haven’t done enough for her.


My cat experiencing cat nip for the first time


New couch?
