Quick cover your eyes! Don’t look!

What about it?

Uh oh what did they see?

Read also:



Little Binky has kidney disease

What about it?

Binky has returned home from a week hospital stay, originally admitted for stasis but during his treatment they found his kidney levels to be abnormal and what may be the root of his health problems. He is 7 years old, and he’s a very much loved little fellow. The plan for him at the moment is to keep up with his medication and keep him comfortable at home. Everyone give your bunnies extra pets for Binky 💜


After 7 months of failed bonding sessions, I woke up to boy (grey) grooming girl’s (black) head through the rabbit gate. I am so happy and relieved. I just needed one little sign that this could work and boy did they delivery today!!! 🥰


Caught him day napping in my bed


Dewlap. It’s what’s for breakfast.



What about it?

I love this mf


Shout out to my bunny living his best life

What about it?

Phantom has been through a lot this year. He lost his life partner, went blind, and hit his 10th birthday. In some ways, he’s the happiest I’ve seen him. Pictured here, he is chilling, grinding his teeth, after consuming many treats.



What about it?

I honestly just joined Reddit to read something so this is my first post, have a picture my (very spoiled) boy. His name is the title of this post and he's a Flemmish giant/chinchilla mix




Free Roam Bunny = No sleep..?

What about it?

Am I the only person out there who’s raising the equivalent of a crying baby with a rabbit? I have a free roam dutch rabbit who hops up on my bed every morning to wake me for his breakfast pellets. What started as a 7am wake up has gotten earlier and earlier to the point that it’s now closer to 4:30am consistently. Any tips or tricks on ending this? I’m contemplating if I need to change his feeding schedule. But that could turn into him dragging me out of bed if he doesn’t get them! I live in a loft so the only door I have is to the bathroom lol.
