my baby stinker

What about it?

She's watching TV

Read also:

Enjoying the sun with Salem and Evelyn


Sweet boys love being on top of the cupboards


Morning void


When the catnip hits


The void hiding from the vacuum


Sweet Momma Cat loves outside

What about it?

She feels safe when I sit out there with her :]


Help, can anyone tell me what this is and how to get rid of it or help it?


My dog has a chipped tooth and I don’t know if I should be worried or not. he’s only 1 years old and I feel like such a bad mom.


Can I trust that my dog will know if he is overheating? 😅

What about it?

Hello everyone, I can’t seem to find an answer to this question anywhere and was hoping someone might know. My dog ( 2yr old black Shiba inu ) loves to sleep in the sun and we leave the roof door open so he can come in and out as he pleases to pee and play. We live in a very hot country and as stated he is black and has a double coat obviously. We have noticed that already twice now he will go outside and sleep for 30 min and then come down panting and drooling which always make me think whether he just risked a heat stroke. I’m pretty sure he would know himself but we leave the roof open when we leave him alone and I don’t want to run the risk of him being alone and not noticing 😅. ( pic for cute tax )


Need some advice regarding necessary crating

What about it?

My dog was diagnosed with a herniated disc (cervical) three years ago. Surgery was not recommended at the time and we'd certainly like to avoid it now. He was prescribed anti-inflammatory medicine along with muscle relaxant. He's been mostly fine over these past three years, although he's had flare-ups every six months. Those were resolved with the same treatment. He's now 12 years old and he's had his June flare-up, only this time medication didn't work. He would ostensibly feel better hours after giving him meds but would relapse pretty quickly, unlike previous flare-ups when he would be fine for months after treatment. The last few times vet did recommend that he move as little as possible and we've tried our best while avoiding crating him, but he's an anxious dog and it's really difficult to keep him from barking, running... (luckily he's never been able to run up and down the stairs so he's naturally confined to one floor of the house). He's now able to walk, hasn't apparently lost back legs mobility, although they are weak (you can tell because when he comes home from a walk they shake uncontrollably for a few seconds). We are obviously very worried he's getting worse so this time around, especially because he doesn't seem to get better with medication and relative rest, we have decided to crate him. This is his first time in a crate. He hasn't been crate trained and we so regret it now. He seems quite tense and doesn't lie down. How can I make my dog feel better in this unfortunate situation? Has anyone else had to go through this? Thank you all in advance.
