Goldfish have short memories

Read also:

This roll of tape was misbehaving, so I crucified it and hung it where all the others rolls could see.


Found in the porta-potty on my jobsite


This Redditor isn’t that lost


some art thing on a sub about bad advertisements. does this count as an ad, though?


Damn she really isn't tho


Not even sure what this one is supposed to mean


Pretty funny coincidence if you ask me


Well that sucks


They thought it was for trading stocks


This is Smudge, sister to one of my current cats who was brought in yesterday.

What about it?

You may be wondering how I know she is my cat’s sister, that’s because she was born in the same litter as Flea, making them related to a mother cat who lived with my aunt. She originally was adopted by my late nanny (RIP), before being moved back to my aunt’s when nanny moved there, before Smudge got adopted by Grandad shortly after the loss of his previous kitty, Buffy. Yesterday, mum got a frantic call from Grandad telling her to pick Smudge up or she was going to be dumped! I get it that he can’t cope with everything but that’s not the way to handle it! Obviously we didn’t want her to be in a dangerous situation where she’d risk getting hit by a car, so we brought her in. Only thing though is that if we want to keep her, we’d have to do something if our housing association finds out about her, but we’ll see how she adjusts I think. It’s obviously very stressful for her, but I think she is trying to get used to it. At the moment, we keep her and our cats separated as she’s new to the house and we don’t want to introduce the felines too early. She was reported as not eating or drinking. We do have a blood test planned for tomorrow, which my Grandad had to pay us for.
