This is his magnum opus, I seriously don't see how he's going to top this game.

Read also:

"Mani the Iroquois" from Brotherhood of The Wolf(2001)


Keep my wife's name out your f*@$in mouth!

What about it?

Someone recently suggested I try and create Will Smith...and I thought it could be fun, so this is my attempt. I know there are a few things not quite right, but hopefully he's close enough to recognise 💖


Infographic stats from Bandai’s website


My phone wallpaper (In-game Screenshot)

What about it?

Radahn certainly belongs by the hearth. "O brother, lord brother, please die a true death." (Flavor Text, Golden Epitaph)


Free Hay! Chicagoland area. SPS 1st Cutting


Finally got little lady into the vet. She has Pneumonia so she’s on antibiotics and just started her EC treatment. Praying that she’ll make a full recovery. Plz send her strength to heal❤️

What about it?

Thank you everyone that helped the last few days🥰


My Beautiful Marley


Must See Forbidden Room

What about it?

For now the bedroom is off limits till Ian is older/more trained.. But that doesn't stop the curiosity!!


Summer Bun is the only one allowed to eat on the couch.


question about spaying after litters?

What about it?

i am adopting a female bun from a breeder that shes retiring from breeding and i plan to get her spayed, but i was wondering if it's too late? will spaying her eliminate the chance of cancers and pyometra or is it too late because shes already had litters?
