Is this just a graphical glitch in Battlefield 1 or is my GPU dying?

Playing Battlefield 1 and came across this in game. Never seen this happen before. Once in a blue moon, I’ll see artifact on my desktop but it happens so quick, can’t screenshot it. GPU: EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra. Drivers updated, efficient cooling, no overclocking. Screenshot shows GPU temp of 75c.

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Uhhh guys is it over for my pc

I was playing a game and my pc just shut off randomly. I tried turning it back on but nothing on my screen would display, just a signal error. I tried holding the power button and this happens. I did it again and basically the same thing showed up but w/o mentioning it was in safe mode.


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my little sanctuary

it’s not nearly as pretty as some of the others on here but i still love it nonetheless 🫡 (cleaned as best as i could bc my cat ruined everything)


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I think I need a bigger desk. Standing desk or na?
