What are these aged four eyed mustached metal faces found in a late man’s lockbox?

Send man was born in 1951 and died in 2000. He was born and raised in Rhode Island and moved to Alaska in the 80s. I don’t know if it helps, but it does give a timeline. I mentioned where they were found because otherwise I have no idea where they came from.

Read also:

Porcelain or metal shaped like marshmallows?

These showed up in the yard, not sure where they came from. They appear to be porcelain or metal. What are they?


Alabama be tripping.


Thanks Conservatives...


Future Gas Pump Sticker...


MAGA I want you to ask all these pundits who are calling for civil war this question. Will you fight side by side with me?

Ask Trump, Greene, Bobert , Palin, Moore will you pick up a gun and fight? No they will watch on TV.


Even the lesser of the two evils is F’ing evil . Nothing positive about this poll

This poll shouldn’t come as any surprise, as Trump is going to poll higher in a certain demographic of racist people in this country. Desantis now has the next generation demographic racist that are probably going to grow up more hateful than the previous generation.


Oh, how will they cope!?


Thatcher aerated ice cream and snatched milk and now...


The Conservative manifesto in a single picture


Are they supposed to be on sale already?
