Rashy and pippin just want to say HAY everybun 🥰🥰

Pippin left 13 weeks - Rashy right 3 years. I love them with all my heart xx

Read also:

Bunny Eats Carpet

How do I get my little guy from eating and pulling at carpet? He is super cute and so sweet but loves him some carpet… any suggestions?


I didnt get the memo

Oh we are playing hide and seek now? I thought we were just going to sleep


What is truffle asking me right now ?


Do you know how common it is for humans to get infected with E cunniculi?

Bunny photo for tax. I have googled around and it seems possible for people to get infected with E cunniculi, particularly if they’re immunocompromised. Anecdotally, I’ve never heard of or met anyone (fortunately) to have been infected knowingly and had symptoms. Has this happened to any of you? I read most bunnies have it, but it is asymptomatic/never activates. I’m curious because one of my buns might have it, and I am immunocompromised. Thanks!


i found this guy outside. what kind of rabbit is he?


she is in jail for committing tax fraud


intelligence toy- yes or no?

would you recommend this or similar toys? i have two bunnies that are...a bit stupid lol and i want them to have a lil exercise


Daisy Loaf


Bonded pair fighting

I adopted this adorable pair on Saturday. They're sisters and spayed however, this morning, the black rabbit started humping her sister's head, fast circling ensued, a little bit of fur pulling (the black one pulled her sister's fur) and I broke it up before there was a fight (her sister was not reciprocating). Are they trying to find who's dominant again now they're in a new environment? I was told they got along great before and after they were neutered. This picture was post incident, too. They were spayed about 3 weeks ago and haven't been separated at any point. They're also around 6 months old. I'm unsure whether I need to start the bonding process again. Any advice would be great. I also need names!


Free-roam flooring?

We have tile flooring which bunny doesn't seem to mind. If I throw a blanket down, or when we used foam tiles, she didn't stick to the covered area and explored in the tiled area. She also likes lying against the cool tiles in a shady area under the bed. But I'm scared of her jumping and binkying on hard stone floors. Do I need to cover it for her safety and what do you use? Needing something easy to sweep hay off of and not too expensive and something she won't eat (that's why we stopped with the foam) Pictured above, bunny waiting for us to open the door so she can make a quick dash into the second room we let her free roam in only under supervision
