Need Help with Identification!

Found this guy tonight. There was another that looked just like him the other day - we captured him and set him free outside, pretty far from our house, so we’re pretty sure it’s not the same one. That guy was FAST. We’re located in IL. I’m thinking wolf spider or grass spider. Any insights?

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Found it by the pool in Laughlin Nevada.


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My phone camera sucks btw so sorry if it’s too low quality


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I think it’s a mantis, but I don’t know for sure


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What is this? It's small like a sewing pin head

I live in Hungary and I find this time to time in the kitchen.


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Sign language tattoo question

I would like to get a tattoo of my son's name. Instead of letters, I was thinking of using sign language. However, none of us are hard of hearing. Would it be offensive to those who do use sign language? Also, I am looking to do 1-2 inch for each letter, are these hands be too detailed for such a small tattoo?
