Loosing 18k

One day I woke up and wanted to yolo 20k into a jacked to the tits long position on bitcoin. Once I was 1% of price movement away from liquidation I decided to deposit 30k of margin in the hopes of loosing even more money. I am disappointed though, as last month I lost 50k on jacked to the tits positions on bitcoin.

Read also:

Thanks Dark Horse


Welp, not going out today


Walking to the dog park when I see…

I’m pretty sure it’s not Nutella.


Great parking.

Full parking lot, this dude decides “who cares”. 🫠


Sony doing the bare minimum

Getting this 5 centimeter types C cable with no plug for a 200 Canadian dollar pair of headphone.


one starburst is larger then the other


Dentist office cancelled my appointment and then sent me this bill of “broken appointment”


The amount of smoke made when making burgers and what my neighbours do….

I make a homemade burger using 2 parts ground beef, 1 part ground pork, an egg, spices, and a 1” off a stick of butter melted into the mix. When you cook it, the butter drips down making a ton of smoke. What makes it infuriating is the neighbours asking for food. Like no, are you some sort of Loch Ness monster after my burgers? Get your burgers or tree fiddy yourself!


The blue light in my lights died so now it won’t show some colors


“am” in place of “I’m”

What’s mildly infuriating is that I see this from American born and raised friends/acquaintances/strangers with English only speaking parents. Write know am wildly infuriated!
