Lost my guns in a boating accident

Did you know if you store your guns in the captain's locker and you reshape your ships that those guns disappear? No, me neither. I lost this beauty The Weapon id FF01B904

Read also:

Vasco always just floats in my ship doorway and prevents me from entering part of ship.

Anyone know how to fix? Only happens with Vasco.


My very first bug.


Man Falling Asleep


What's the coolest stuff you've done directly in New Atlantis?

I've wandered around the city a good bit and it certainly has a sprawling feel but I've not yet felt like there was a whole lot to really do. I assume I'm just missing stuff and need to dedicate more time to exploring and talking to people to get quests to spawn, as with most thing BGS. With that said, what have you found here?


A whole family


The grammar police are here to defeat you


David Bloom only 2 days before his death from a pulmonary embolism


Last image of my cousin who was battling stage 4 colon cancer. She passed away 9/2/23


Jimmy Buffett’s last performance: July 2, 2023

Took this of Buffett making a surprise appearance at Sunset Cove, a restaurant in Portsmouth, RI. According to a reporter from the Palm Beach Daily News, as far as she knows it was his last gig.


A heroic 10-year-old girl saved the lives of two toddlers by pushing them out of the path of a car which then hit and killed her.
