Hello, I'm not sure if this is a black widow or a false widow, found in the ceiling on my porch entrance, I live in California if that helps. Please ID

Read also:

What is this bug?

My brother killed him yesterday and even though i was scared i’ve been crying ever since 😭 he seemed so sentient


Is this any cause for concern? Found in my bedroom

sorry for low quality


What is this


Who's this guy

He was chilling in the break room with me (PA US) and I was wondering what he is


What is this abomination

(Apologies for the blurry photo)


What kind of moth(?)

Coworker found it whacking itself senseless against a light at work. Google is saying its some type of Spynx moth, but coworker disagrees. Anyone know what it is? (South-Eastern North Dakota, US]


What kind of bug is this?

Located in southern California. Found this thing running around my house. It's dead in the picture, my husband squished it on the carpet and I wanted a better look at it. Was probably about the size of a nickel


Found in my bed this morning, in the UK, I feel gross


Thought it was weevil shaped but the back is throwing me off


What is this bug.

Location is in northern Minnesota
