Why doesn't China have access to the sea of Japan ?

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Mapping Earth's mean rainfall - How close are you to our Planet's average rainfall? [OC]


In a span of 100 days, in an area the size of Vermont, 333 Tutsi tribe people were hacked to death by the Hutu tribe with machetes per Hour. Total 800,000 deaths in Rwanda in 1994. Just picture this….that many people in a small area, getting hacked.



How did the Chernobyl radiation levels spread so differently compared to the terrain?

Was looking at this map and I thought the Nordic countries seemed to have a weird distribution. Same with the Austria area.


you can argue, but youre wronge.!


Why aren’t there any major US cities along the St. Lawrence River?

There are several large Canadian cities on the river such as Montreal and Quebec, so why is the US side, while small, so deserted, given the importance of the river for trade and travel?


To what extent are Abkhazia and South Ossetia self-governing, as opposed to being (unrecognised) puppet states of Russia or fully Russian-controlled territory?


An inverse Point Roberts. It doesn't actually matter though because it's a Mohawk territory. Many houses intersect the border and the city council is actually below the 45th parallel


Septentrionalium Terrarum. Gerhard Mercator , 1512-1594

A map of the North Pole. Do you think that it actually looks like this? Is this mountain in the middle of the NP the reason why compases point toward the North? What do you think the weather is like if the NP looks like this in real life?


Oceania geography facts?


The world divided in two. On which side are you ? Dry or wet. Beige or Blue ? [OC] ☔️
